(346) 471-8042 ashleydeleon@soulfullminds.com
Diet Regimens
Effect of Diet Regimens On Your Overall Health
As the old saying goes, “You are what you eat.” This is true on multiple levels. It’s no secret that diet and nutrition can play a role in your physical health – that it can impact your risk of diseases, influence your weight, and more.
However, are you aware that it can impact the rest of you, too? Poor nutrition can:
Induce Depression and Anxiety
While a bowl of cereal or cup of coffee may seem like a gift on busy mornings, they can actually make for a bad day – especially if it is your entire breakfast. Processed and sugary foods causes inflammation in the brain and the body. And this can actually lead to anxiety and depression.
Impact Brain Development
Proper nutrition provides the brain with protein, enzymes, and more that it needs to function properly. Without these things, it can affect our ability to think, process our thoughts, and more.
Make You Moody and Tired
Your body needs certain vitamins and nutrients to work as it is supposed to. Without these, the body has to work harder than it should, and this can lead to you feeling moody and chronically tired.
These are just a sampling of how your diet can negatively impact your life, but it goes far beyond that. The good news is that healthy diet regimens can fix these issues and help you live a happier and healthier life. Contact Soulfull Minds today and we’ll work together to create a healthy diet regimen just for you.